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603 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Der blaue Strohhut

Der blaue Strohhut
Ein modisches Damenhütchen wechselt im Verlauf einer Reihe galanter Liebesabenteuer seine Besitzerinnen. Eine hübsche Hutverkäuferin (Margot Hielscher) will unbedingt zur Operette, eine von der Bühne ins bürgerliche Leben abgewanderte Operetten-Diva (Gisela Schmidting) wird von ihrem einstigen Partner (Karl Schönböck) auf Knien um Rückkehr gebeten, da eine neue Lincke-Operrette nur mit ihr herausgebracht werden könne, aber zum guten Ende nimmt...

CHF 16.50


Remic, Andy
Junks are flooding Quad-Gal with terror. Combat K are sent on a mission to find an alien artefact which could win the war. SLAM-dropped to Cloneworld – a planet ravaged by violent civil war – Combat K get caught in a global conflict between augmented mechanised war machines and genetically modified humans who have the ability to clone themselves.

CHF 14.90

919 Inspirational Quotes

Cooper, Justin
919 Inspirational Quotes
This book contains a compilation of the most profound quotes from many inspirational figures in history. Twenty-five centuries of wisdom are contained in the words of this incredibly diverse group of men and women. Each of the nineteen chapters is organized chronologically by birthdate to give the reader an idea of the evolution of the authors' mindsets through time. This book contains hundreds of powerful quotations from the sixth centu...

CHF 25.50

Stored Treasures

Crane, Minnie / Belkind Gerson, Smadar
Stored Treasures
A deeply personal, beautifully simple and inspiring memoir. This joint work is written by two women separated by four generations. Minnie Crane lived through two world wars, pandemics and the Great Depression. Thirty years after her death her tale is brought to life in a way only her great-granddaughter could do. Minnie came from an extremely humble beginning and made huge sacrifices. Her telling account sheds light on the story of Belitsa, a...

CHF 29.50


Dibble, Bk
A young ladies life is thrown into a whirlwind when her Great Great grandfather, Merlin the magician, takes her as his new apprentice. Can she save him, herself and the world from new magical threats, read and find out.

CHF 50.90

Disquieted Echoes

Owen, Daryl
Disquieted Echoes
LIKE NOTHING ELSE YOU'VE EVER READ!!...A CHILLING collection of short, TRUE, stories that will take you through a MAZE of bizarre supernatural & uniquely terrifying experiences as told by the author who, beginning as a small boy & at the hands of his religiously corrupt & abusive father with a twisted sense of faith, actually lived them. It would follow, not only the author throughout his lifetime, but his family too! Ghosts, demonic figures a...

CHF 29.90

Paradigma mesti i wozmezdiq w ewropejskoj ciwilizacii. Ch...

Sergej, Pileckij
Paradigma mesti i wozmezdiq w ewropejskoj ciwilizacii. Chast' 1
Dannaq kniga qwlqetsq, po suti, perwoj popytkoj filosofskogo analiza takoj sil'nejshej strasti chelowecheskoj prirody, kak mest', i takogo naiwazhnejshego principa social'nogo bytiq, takogo besspornogo regulqtora chelowecheskih wzaimootnoshenij, kak wozmezdie. V perwoj eö chasti tema mesti i wozmezdiq skrupulöznym i tschatel'nejshim obrazom proslezhiwaetsq cherez kanonicheskie texty hristianskogo Swqschennogo Pisaniq, - Vethogo i Nowogo Zaweto...

CHF 102.00

Obuchaüschij tezaurus

Matweewa, Ol'ga
Obuchaüschij tezaurus
V monografii izlagaetsq opyt tezaurusnogo issledowaniq terminologii predmetnoj oblasti teorii perewoda na anglijskom qzyke. V knige opisywaetsq tehnologiq lingwisticheskogo konstruirowaniq obuchaüschego tezaurusa. Nastoqschij tezaurus prednaznachen dlq ispol'zowaniq w kachestwe lingwodidakticheskogo sredstwa s cel'ü formirowaniq professional'noj kompetencii specialista w oblasti teorii perewoda. Obuchaüschij tezaurus, predstawlennyj wo wtoroj ...

CHF 77.00

Istitucional'nye izmeneniq w sowremennoj Rossii

Sitnowa, Irina
Istitucional'nye izmeneniq w sowremennoj Rossii
Awtor w hode analiza demonstriruet osnowatel'nuü ärudiciü kak w oblasti istorii sociologii, tak i po chasti sowremennyh teorij. V rabote predlozhen analiz koncepcij klassicheskoj sociologii, sociologicheskaq konceptualizaciq neoinstitucional'noj teorii, razrabotannaq äkonomistami i sdelan akcent na poliparadigmal'nom ili podhode, kotoromu sozwuchna nauchnaq poziciq awtora. Poziciq awtora zaklüchaetsq w tom, chto reshaüschaq rol' w izmenenii so...

CHF 102.00

Poäziq Dzhona Donna i Dzhordzha Gerberta

Volkowa, Anna
Poäziq Dzhona Donna i Dzhordzha Gerberta
V knige rassmatriwaetsq anglijskaq poäziq XVII w. w biblejskom kontexte, kotoryj ponimaetsq w tradicionnom klüche kak "semanticheskij uniwersum", w kotoryj pogruzhaetsq poäziq. Na primere religioznyh stihotworenij Dzhona Donna i Dzhordzha Gerberta pokazywaetsq, na kakih urownqh biblejskij text funkcioniruet w texte poäticheskom. Krome togo, priwlekaetsq shirokij religioznyj kontext äpohi: rech' idet o specifike katolicheskoj i protestantskoj d...

CHF 102.00

Mezhlichnostnaq tolerantnost' studentow-psihologow

Kozhuhar', Galina
Mezhlichnostnaq tolerantnost' studentow-psihologow
V monografii na osnowe awtorskoj koncepcii mezhlichnostnoj tolerantnosti predstawleny rezul'taty issledowanij tolerantnosti kak wazhnoj professional'noj kompetencii u studentow-psihologow, obuchaüschihsq w sisteme wysshego i special'nogo professional'nogo obrazowaniq. Rassmatriwaütsq osobennosti sootnosheniq tolerantnosti i identichnosti u studentow-psihologow i slushatelej-psihologow. Opisany kachestwennye priznaki identichnosti, mezhlichnost...

CHF 77.00


Kachalina, Ekaterina / Grigorowich, Lübow'
Rabota Ekateriny Kachalinoj i Lübowi Grigorowich «Stanowlenie i razwitie professional'noj pedagogicheskoj pozicii studentow pedagogicheskogo kolledzha» poswqschena znachimoj i aktual'noj dlq sowremennoj pedagogicheskoj nauki probleme i raskrywaet wazhnye tendencii nachal'nyh ätapow processa professionalizacii pedagogow. V rabote proanalizirowany nauchnye predstawleniq o suschnosti kategorii «professional'naq poziciq» i ee meste w psihologiches...

CHF 102.00

Psihofiziologicheskie faktory izucheniq det'mi inostranno...

Balina, Tat'qna
Psihofiziologicheskie faktory izucheniq det'mi inostrannogo qzyka
Izuchenie inostrannogo qzyka det'mi s perwogo klassa shiroko praktikuetsq w bol'shinstwe sowremennyh shkol, hotq mnogie specialisty polagaüt, chto äto delaet shkol'nuü programmu intensiwnee, a process adaptacii rebenka k shkole trudnee i prodolzhitel'nee. Komplexnoe issledowanie psihofiziologicheskih harakteristik detej 6-7 let, obuchaüschihsq inostrannomu qzyku w period adaptacii k uslozhnennoj shkol'noj programme, pozwolilo razrabotat' awtor...

CHF 64.00

Long time behavior of convection in porous media

Parshad, Rana
Long time behavior of convection in porous media
This book investigates asymptotic behaviour of convection in a fluid saturated porous medium. We analyse the Darcy-Boussinesq system under perturbation of the Darcy-Prandtl number parameter. In very tightly packed media this parameter is of very large order and can be driven to innity to yield the innite Darcy-Prandtl number model. We show convergence of global attractors and invariant measures of the Darcy-Boussinesq system to that of the inn...

CHF 64.00

Sledqschij monitoring deformacij ustrojstw prostranstwenn...

Ushakow, Anatolij / Sudarchikow, Sergej
Sledqschij monitoring deformacij ustrojstw prostranstwennogo nablüdeniq
Ustrojstwa prostranstwennogo nablüdeniq, naibolee harakternymi predstawitelqmi kotoryh qwlqütsq bol'shie polnopoworotnye radioteleskopy, kotorye w otlichie ot opticheskih teleskopow ne pokrywaütsq zaschitnym kolpakom, funkcioniruüt w uslowiqh mnogofaktornyh deformacij älementow ih konstrukcii, priwodqschih k ih raz#üstirowke . Neobhodimost' wysokotochnogo nawedeniq radioteleskopa na ob#ekt radioastronomicheskogo nablüdeniq w uslowiqh deformaci...

CHF 102.00

Istoricheskaq ontologiq äkonomicheskogo simwola

Koshmilo, Oleg
Istoricheskaq ontologiq äkonomicheskogo simwola
Masshtabnost' politicheskih, kul'turnyh i social'nyh izmenenij, wyzwannyh sobytiem mirowogo finansowogo i äkonomicheskogo krizisa, s besprecedentnoj siloj stawit wopros ob ontologicheskom statuse äkonomicheskogo simwola kak special'noj formy suschestwowaniq cheloweka w kachestwe potrebitelq i weschej mira kak towarow, to est' kak osobogo modusa äkonomicheskih otnoshenij cheloweka i mira. V to zhe wremq w nyneshnem äkonomicheskom krizise skazyw...

CHF 88.00

Inwesticionnyj potencial strahowyh kompanij

Prokop'ewa, Ewgeniq Leonidowna
Inwesticionnyj potencial strahowyh kompanij
Nastoqschee nauchnoe izdanie poswqscheno aktual'nym problemam inwesticionnoj deqtel'nosti strahowyh kompanij na sowremennom ätape razwitiq Rossii. Klüchewym aspektom issledowaniq qwlqetsq inwesticionnyj potencial strahowaniq, ego faktory i osobennosti formirowaniq i realizacii na rossijskom strahowom rynke. Dlq ätogo prowedön srawnitel'nyj analiz inwesticionnoj deqtel'nosti strahowyh organizacij w äkonomicheski razwityh stranah i w Rossii, pro...

CHF 88.00

Dinamicheskaq model' poroobrazowaniq w kremnii

Mozhaew, Alexej
Dinamicheskaq model' poroobrazowaniq w kremnii
Razrabotana komp'üternaq model' processow formirowaniq trehmernyh poristyh klasterow w poluprowodnikowyh kristallah kremniq, uchitywaüschaq processy na granice, uchastie reagentow w himicheskih reakciqh, izmenenie wnutrennego potenciala so wremenem w hode rosta klasterow, a takzhe dostawku zarqzhennyh komponentow iz glubiny kristalla. Dannaq komp'üternaq model' pozwolqet luchshe uqsnit' dinamiku formirowaniq por, wizual'no otobrazit' process f...

CHF 77.00

Kliniko-äkonomicheskie aspekty antigipertenziwnoj terapii

Serow, Valerij / Ruzow, V. / Gorbunow, V.
Kliniko-äkonomicheskie aspekty antigipertenziwnoj terapii
Gipertonicheskaq bolezn' qwlqetsq social'no znachimoj problemoj wo mnogih stranah, w tom chisle i w Rossii. Ogranichennye finansowye resursy sistemy zdrawoohraneniq, narqdu so znachitel'nym uwelicheniem kolichestwa nowyh dorogostoqschih medicinskih tehnologij i lekarstwennyh preparatow, diktuüt neobhodimost' strogo obosnowannogo podhoda k ob#emu prowodimogo obsledowaniq i wyboru medikamentoznoj terapii bol'nyh. V swqzi so znachitel'noj raznice...

CHF 77.00